To Do Today for Windows Phone 8
07 May 2013 by Nigel Sampson
Today I’m pleased to announce the release of To Do Today for Windows Phone 8. This makes the app even more “glance and go” by adding lock screen integration including both detailed and quick status, better live tiles using the same style as Email or Messages and support for larger tiles. I now support HD assets for WXGA and 720P phones.
For those who love voice commands on your phone the app now supports a variety of commands such as “postpone ‘release app’ a week”, “new task”, “‘release app’ is complete” as well as many others.

One of the other most requested additions was new options for recurring tasks, including two, three and four weekly repeating options.
This release also contains a design and UX overhaul as I’ve learnt a lot in the past few years.
If you’re already a user of To Do Today go and download the update, otherwise check out the free trial now!