Windows Phone 7 Notification Control

One of the controls I felt was missing out of the box for the Windows Phone 7 was a Notification control similar to how Toast notifications are displayed. As part of an application I’m working on I need a control like this with some of the animation effects the toast has.

On a side note the Coding4Fun Toolkit has a more fully featured control but lacks good view model integration (to be fair 90% of controls do).

It has three properties, Title and Text (I’ll most likely be adding an icon at a later date) are fairly self explanatory, the third OnDimiss is a callback when the notification is dismissed by a tap.

<controls:Notification x:Name="Notification" />

From the code behind it displayed with the following calls.

private void OnDisplay(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Notification.Display("Title", "Text", () =>
        MessageBox.Show("Dismissed", "The notification control has been dimissed", MessageBoxButton.OK);
private void OnDismiss(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

From a view model we can expose a unit testable notification source and bind that to the control.

public class NotificationViewModel
    public NotificationViewModel()
        Notifications = new NotificationSource();
    public INotificationSource Notifications
    public void Display()
        Notifications.Display("Security", "Tap to authenticate the application", () =>
                MessageBox.Show("Authenticated", "The application has been authenticated against the server", MessageBoxButton.OK);

The source code here contains the code for this notification control as well as the Status Indicator control.