Interactive Extensions as a PCL

Interactive Extensions is a fantastic library from the team that brought us Reactive Extensions, in fact it supports a lot same operations on IEnumerable that Rx brought to IObservable.

Async Void, Exceptions and Windows 8.1

Many people including myself have talked about the dangers of async void methods in your Windows 8 application. The fact that exceptions in these methods ultimately caused the application to crash was a big problem, realistically though trying to build a proper application with no async void methods is an exercise in futility. There are ways to mitigate the problem, from replacing the Synchronization Context like we do at Marker Metro, IL Weaving using Fody to plain exception handlers in every async void method.

Migration to Azure

Lately after having some technical trouble with my previous website host as well as some unrelated issues with my DNS provider I’ve just completed a successful migration to Azure Websites for hosting and DNSimple.

Talks Available

It’s been a busy couple of months which means I haven’t posted as much as I’d like. Part of which was because I was preparing to speak at Tech Ed New Zealand.

Clamping Values

In last week’s post on building the iOS 7 parallax background in Windows Phone I commented on the fact I was surprised there wasn’t a Clamp function on the Math class.