22 Mar 2012
From next month I’m happy to announce I’ll be taking a full time role as a Senior Metro Developer at Marker Metro, an award winning Metro agency behind apps such as the incredibly popular Alphajax for Windows Phone. With Ben Gracewood also joining I’ll have the privilege of working with a lot of highly skilled designers and developers on a lot of things I can’t talk about yet. So stay tuned to the Marker Metro website and our respective Twitter feeds.
06 Mar 2012
Since LINQ (Language Integrated Query) was released by Microsoft as part of the .NET Framework 3.5 in 2007 (has it really been that long?) developers have really taken to it, however I often see the same mistakes repeated time and time again and thought I’d cover some of them.
28 Feb 2012
For any application that’s displaying remote images having a backup placeholder content is necessary for a polished user experience for all the times where the user has a slow internet connection, or none at all.
21 Feb 2012
Today I’m proud to announce the start of a new tutorial series Building a Marketplace Ready App. The goal of this series is rather than covering the basics about putting together an application, but rather the large amount of work that’s required to take a sample style piece of code and getting it into a shape ready for publication. The first tutorial covering Setup and Product Search has just been posted.
12 Feb 2012
An overview of the series, creating the initial skeleton for the project and building product search functionality. This includes building the nuget packages, setting up Caliburn.Micro and using Reactive Extensions.