14 Feb 2008
So far it looks like the dominant pattern in unit testing MVC
Controllers is via a Test Specific Subclass and for some that's a pain.
Especially when you're going to have a lot of controllers, that's a lot
of the same code you'll be repeating over and over. So in the principle
of DRY let's look at using Castle Project's Dynamic Proxy to do away
with these controller subclasses.
09 Feb 2008
We finished off last time with creating a Repository<T> class and
matching interface. This is a general workhorse of a class that allows
such syntax as
05 Feb 2008
Lately I’ve been working with NHibernate behind a domain driven design
style repository interface, this allows for easily testability as I can
create mock repositories using Rhino Mocks and give my services
prepackaged results for testing purposes.
04 Feb 2008
Well I thought it was time to start a technical blog, I’;d like
somewhere to put my ideas out there for open criticism, too often we
voice our opinions in an echo chamber with people who you already know
agree with your way of thinking or people who don’t understand the
concepts you’re discussing and as such just agree with you.