Gotcha when deploying Silverlight applications
03 Dec 2008 by Nigel SampsonI'm just in the process of writing my first Silverlight post, one of the benefits of writing about Silverlight is that you can show it in action. So last night I put together the working example, and was running into a roadblock at the final stage, deployment.
I was using the Silverlight control in the System.Web.Silverlight.dll assembly and no matter what I did with IIS mime types and minimum versions it would always come up with the "Get Silverlight image". It turns out that I was too quick to get the latest bits for Silverlight 2 when it was finally released, the final version of the Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio (and therefore the aforementioned assembly) weren't released till approximately a week later.
The reason I noticed it was the type attribute on the <object> output, it mentioned beta 2 and not the standard "application/x-silverlight-2".
Little frustrating but glad it's solved.