Windows 8, Tech Ed NZ and Hub Bug

I’ve been incredibly busy lately and it’s all culminating in next week!

The first is that I’m proud to announce that Hub Bug (formally named Hubble) has been submitted to the Windows 8 Marketplace and should be (baring any problems) available sometime next week. I’ll be publishing some cool videos then. Here’s a few screenshots to whet the appetite.

Starting next week I’ll be speaking with Ian Randall on Monday and Tuesday at some pre conference workshops around Windows 8. There’s still places available and it’s free so come along if you can.

And then the main event, I’ll be speaking with Ben Gracewood at Tech Ed New Zealand on Building Real Windows 8 Apps with Xaml and C#. It’s a huge honor and the nerves are already going crazy. In fact everyone at Marker Metro is speaking at Tech Ed (it’s certainly one way to get the whole company to a conference). Ben and Ian are delivering a talk on the Absolute Beginners Guide to Windows 8 Apps while Keith Patton will be talking about Windows Phone 8.

If you’re attending any of these events come have a chat!