Nord theme for Windows Terminal

I’ve been playing around with Windows Terminal for the last few weeks and been really impressed. In prevoius terminals and in VS Code lately I’ve had the Nord theme which while totally subjective looks pretty cool.

It has ports for a lot of applications, but not Windows Terminals. Thankfully Anais Betts put together an awesome point on how to convert a VS Code theme to a Windows Terminal.

For anyone else who’s keen there it is.

    "name" : "nord",
    "background" : "#2e3440",
    "foreground" : "#d8dee9",
    "black": "#3b4252",
    "blue": "#81a1c1",
    "brightBlack": "#4c566a",
    "brightBlue": "#81a1c1",
    "brightCyan": "#8fbcbb",
    "brightGreen": "#a3be8c",
    "brightPurple": "#b48ead",
    "brightRed": "#bf616a",
    "brightWhite": "#eceff4",
    "brightYellow": "#ebcb8b",
    "cyan": "#88c0d0",
    "green": "#a3be8c",
    "purple": "#b48ead",
    "red": "#bf616a",
    "white": "#e5e9f0",
    "yellow": "#ebcb8b"