Auckland Azure Meetup Slides

Last month I did a talk at the Auckland Azure Lunchtime meetup, it covered using Azure Mobile Apps (formerly Mobile Services) to build a cross platform application using Xamarin.

Xamarin acquisition thoughts

Last week it was announced that Microsoft would be acquiring Xamarin, the popular toolset for building cross platform mobile apps with C#.

Caliburn.Micro 3.0.0

After a prolonged period in beta Caliburn.Micro 3.0.0 has just been pushed to nuget.

Why won't my Jekyll post appear?

On February 2nd GitHub Pages (which hosts this website) announced they were now running with Jekyll 3.0.0 and there were a few changes required mostly around the standardisation on the kramdown Markdown engine.

UWP XAML Behaviors 1.1.0 released

Last year I had the privledge of being invited onto the project committee for newly open sourced XAML behaviors project.